Capturing Value in Colorado

Recycle Colorado is a 501(c)3, statewide nonprofit organization advancing circular economies & improving recycling across the state of Colorado. Our members share a vision to transform Colorado into a national leader in waste reduction, recovery, and diversion.

Our membership consists of 148 organizations and individuals who collaborate on problems, solutions, projects, and policy. With the support of our members, we are able to plan an annual Summit for Recycling conference, webinars, and many other educational events throughout the year. Colorado's recycling rate of 16% does not reflect the conservation mindset of its residents. We believe that communication between all aspects of the waste stream, haulers, producers, users, recyclers, composters, and cities and counties, is vital to achieving Colorado's diversion goals which preserve the state's beauty and resources. 

Summit in Grand Junction

2025 Summit for Recycling: Over the mountains and to the Western Slope!

The Summit for Recycling annual conference is the biggest statewide networking and educational event focused on capturing the value in our waste stream and moving towards a circular economy in Colorado. We are super excited to bring the Summit to a location with so much happening around waste diversion.

2025 Summit for Recycling Conference
Register for the Summit
Sponsor the Summit

2025 Scholarship Information

Seeking candidates for the 2025 Future Leaders Scholarship

Interested in learning about career opportunities in recycling, composting, waste diversion, and the circular economy, while connecting with industry professionals? Recipients of the Future Leaders Scholarship will receive just that and more!

Candidates engaged in environmental sciences, sustainability, engineering, marketing, business and related activities, are highly encouraged to apply. Responses are due by Sunday, April 6th.

Future Leaders Scholarship Information

2025 Lobby Day

Thank you to all of the participants, legislators, sponsors and exhibitors who joined us this year!

Battery stewardship energized advocates at the Capitol on our March 4th Lobby Day. Advocates were tasked with asking legislators to support SB25-163, Battery Stewardship for Colorado.

It was hard for those passing by the foyar to hide their looks of excitement when they spotted Molson the fire safety dog. Molson was not short on love and attention for his day at the Capitol.

Advocates spoke very highly of their legislators and their support of the battery stewardship bill. A simple conversation with someone about a larger problem can help them understand the true impacts their actions can have.

2025 Recycle Colorado Renewal

Renew your Recycle Colorado Membership

ALL Recycle Colorado memberships expire on December 31st and you will have until February 28th to renew your membership before it lapses. 

 If you would like to upgrade or make changes to your membership before you renew, please review our membership levels and email us with any questions.

Recycle Colorado Membership Information
Membership Renewal FAQ & Help

2025 Awards Nominations

We are now accepting nominations for recycling or composting awards!
Know someone who...
  • is outstanding at Outreach
  • is an outstanding Elected Official
  • has an outstanding Business Recycling/Diversion Program
  • has an outstanding Government or Nonprofit Diversion Program
  • has been an outstanding Volunteer
  • is a Rising Star in the waste diversion industry
  • is the Recycler of the Year
  • is a Lifetime Achiever
  • is a Composting Champion

Nominate them for an award to be recognized at the Summit for Recycling in June in Grand Junction!


Colorado Composting Council Logo

Now is the time to renew your Colorado Composting Council Membership

The COCC hosts informative quarterly meetings, plans to offer a Compost Operations Training Course, supports organics policy and much more! We look forward to continued collaboration to increase the excitement around composting in Colorado in the new year.

Colorado Composting Council Memberships will expire at the same time your Recycle Colorado membership will. Be sure to hop on their membership page and get your renewal dues paid.

Colorado Composting Council Membership Information